MapleStory 2 Guide: Best Farming Locations for Golden Treasure Chests and Wooden Treasure Chests

Information About the Hidden Golden Treasure Chests
Golden chests spawn every 10 minutes. There has been a few cases where the chest do not respawn on the 10 minute mark.
If you don't find the chest, that means someone else already took it, try switching your channel!
The rewards you can expect after opening a golden chest are most of the time a small amount of Mesos (200-250ish), Crystal fragments (100% chance of dropping;There is a low chance of getting 10 crystals and an even lower chance of getting 100 crystals.), and Rusted key (fairy common. Visit Natalie in Tria to identify it as an abandoned mine key for the treasure dungeon). By the way, if small amount of mesos can’t satisfy your demand, you can come to for Cheap MapleStory 2 Mesos.
Information About the Hidden Wooden den Treasure Chests
Wooden chests has a chance to spawn every hour or every 10 minutes or every 15 minutes (really hard to keep track of it, sometimes there are times where there are no wooden chests on all channels of a map for 20-30 minutes)
The wooden chest behind Urza will always spawn there every 10 minutes making it an easy place to have a guaranteed wooden chest spawn. This chest will drop the voucher fragments and count towards the achievement to open wooden chests.
Wooden chests spawn tend to respawn at places such as the edges of platforms/islands/hills, the top of tall trees or hills or inside walls that is visible or hidden by small objects such as trees or small rocks.
Good farming locations for Wooden Chests:
Crooked Canyon: The wooden chest behind Urza will always spawn there every 10 minutes making it an easy place to have a guaranteed wooden chest spawn. This chest will drop the voucher fragments and count towards the achievement to open wooden chests.
North Royal Road: This is a small map and has loads of wooden chest spawns. Chests seem to spawn in bulk at xx:00 and xx:05 every hour. There’s a down time from xx:30 to xx:59.
Revoldic Dam: A large map but circular making it easy to fly in a perfect loop hunting for chests. Chests seem to spawn in bulk at xx:30 and xx:40 every hour. There’s a down time from xx:00 to xx:29.
Here's a interactive website for all golden chests except Shadow World Portal ones. Check website: and you can check specific location of each golden chest . In addition, you can also search Youtuber Maple Cody, where he details every golden chest location on Karkar Island on his channel.
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